9. Good While It Lasted
Hayes Carll returns with another one of his songs of sorrow. This one follows the resignation at the end of the Nocturne in the last post and does so wonderfully. This song seems best suited for a late night party of one as you reflect on the fleeting moments of life that have brought joy, but faded into the ether like the remnants of a quickly fading dream.
From the first heavy drum beats that jar you awake to the final beats that play you off into the night, this one is full of reflection. The mistakes and the moments that were perfect. The good times, the bad times and the ease with which time washes it all away. The sorrow and acceptance that even a little while of joy is worth any pain that follows, whether it is a relationship or a friendship it is essentially a little Americana Tennyson, "Tis better to have loved and lost...." I have to admit I prefer the Hayes Carll take on that sentiment.
"Just like that perfect moment before the darkness turns to dawn, it was good while it lasted, but it didn't last too long" Anyone who has been up until the morning birds make their songs known to the world knows that last bit of darkness is beautiful but it fades away so quickly. Just like so many other things in life.
#hayescarll # goodwhileitlasted #timeflies #memories
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